14 August 2008

Resurrection - The Alien Kind not the Jesus Kind

I always feel obligated to put a link since I have to tab past it.

My apologies for William posting things I don't understand, and taking such a large hiatus. I know I displease the HI WANT TO SEE NAKED PICTURES MESSAGE HUNNYHUNNYBUNNYXXX people, but that is just something I think I will have to get over somehow. 

21 June 2008

New mac and other stuff

Hello World.

Mel is sleeping on the couch, I said I'd give her an hour to sleep 61 minutes ago, she looks so cute.

What that list was called, I'll never know, but I sure do love designing webpages, look at mine!

kthx love you all.

12 April 2008

Bill's now posting!

Today, I decided that I should create a list; I'm not sure why. (This font that I am typing in right now is beautiful by the way) This list will contain happy thoughts, happy memories, things I believe every person should do before they grow too old, and will be given a title:

stuff that mel deleted.
  • Mel.
  • Listen to synth heavy postal service watching a sunset through something important and a tree.
  • Be patient.
  • Have kindness.
  • Learn.
  • Teach.
  • Dance to "Moscow"
  • Music binge downloading 40+ albums in one sitting.
  • Enjoy music.
Thinking of memories tend to create frustration inside me; the bad ones always manifest given enough time. This creates a desire for some reality alteration; not the point of this list.

Veraciously, Mel ever after.

19 November 2006

hello friends

as i thought, i would not update during the time i spend at michigan tech.

its funny that i haven't stopped having my headache since i smelled industry in saginaw, nor have i stopped being annoyed at how people in Detroit area act, nor have i missed my car, nor am i really enjoying this vacation. but i did get purple hair and steak out of it.

oh i miss college so much.

10 August 2006

Oh and another thought.

God forbid you want to protect yourself from Meningitis around here...


it is no doubt that the majority of the GDP in this country comes from consumption, and thus as a consumer who feels dirty consuming all unnecessary items, i try to limit how much I buy. however, today i had two interesting transactions that made me love globalization and think about how america is going to go down the tubes economically one day. My mother sent me to Costco (rated one of the best companies) to get some pizza. I got in using her card, like I usually do and then proceeded to the "food court" to buy a pizza. Unfortunetly they did not take credit card and i had no cash on me so I went in the regular line to order a pizza and then bring the receipt so they can make it for me. I was angry at my mother for telling me that I could buy a pizza with a credit card so I was slightly ticked off that it wasn't true and I was right for doubting it. In any case, once I got to the top of the line Costco, for the second time in the history of my life, treated me like crap*. She proceeded to take her time putting in a role of receipt paper which I patiently waited for, and then asked what do I want. I told her I wanted to order a pizza and she rang me up and I gave her my costco card and credit card which was OH NO! a VISA. They told me they only accepted American Express, Debit Cards, Checks and Cash, so I started writing a Check (the worst thing ever to pay with) and she looked at the Costco card and asked who's card this is. I replied my mothers and she was like you cannot shop here if you are not a member, to which I finally was sick of Costco because not only have I used the card before for purchases, but I've also used my VISA credit card to purchase items. I left Costco to get Jet's Pizza (which accepted my VISA and is better pizza to begin with), but only to be cut off by three SUV's, all of which blonde mothers on cellphones.

After I ate my Jet's pizza, I went out to get the mail where I saw that my USB 2.o hub had come from Hong Kong. Not only did I pay 5 dollars for this item, including shipping and handeling, they included an american outlet adapter strapped to the back. This was not in teh description but at that moment I flat out decided that American stores are full of arrogant BS and if I could I would buy everything from China. Thus, I am thankful that all the patriotic American ass-lickers are slowly dying out and that I can buy cheap things from Hong Kong that are actual quality. Recent exemptions to this is actually the Apple store, and yes I know if you read earlier I complained about the people who worked there, but I realised that people who treat me badly are generally middle aged and those who work at Apple right now were not that much older than me and are very enthusiastic. Therefore I think I am gaining reasonable evidence that middle age people who see younger people who made better choices than them at that age are jealous of those younger people and thus are trying to make everything harder for them.

*The first time being when I needed to get contacts and the lady sitting there had nobody around me and refused to acknowledge my existance. This happens quite often, actually, because people see me and as someone who does not look as if they are "serious" about business or that might steal from the store they usually stalk me to catch me stealing or completley ignore me when I need help. Later on, I sent my mother to order my contacts and what's funny is my mother's demographic is actually the largest demographic that steals from stores. And the other funny thing is I've probably taken more business classes than anyone who has treated me like crap at any store I've been in.

04 August 2006

I wrote a paper on how to survive a robot uprising.

Well its been quite a while since I updated this last. I bought my Macbook (2.0 GHz duo core Intel Processor, 60 GB hard drive, 1 gig ram, SuperDrive DVD+/- RW) and a Ipod nano 2 gigabytes, and an HP printer for 1400 (still waiting on teh rebates). I found out that open office sucks on macs, (as does the 30 day trial of microsoft office) but the solution is in neo office. I also became a podcast fanatic -- i have all sorts of NPR podcasts, ze show with ze frank, BBC newspod, and of course diggnation. I also have atom films, which I have yet to really dive into because its made for a video ipod so the resolution sucks. Other pretty cool programs I have are front row (came with it), macsaber, alot of cool itunes extensions, and the dictionary app is pretty useful.

I also bought a Motorola Razr in pink which I can connect to my laptop using bluetooth. Another use of my money went to buying a hard drive enclosure so now I have 160 extra gigabytes to store. And my final (hopefully) purchase went to a usb 2.0 hub.

I have high A's in both of my summer classes, and I finalized my schedule pretty much and I can finance my entire schooling next year just based on the amount of money I received from my graduation party. I have been procrastinating my assignments though and I'm having a hard time getting through GarbageLand. It is pretty much one of the worst environmental books I've read.. ever...

Warped Tour sucked, hopefully Wolf Parade will have more to offer.

I'm so bland.

18 July 2006

sometimes tons of money makes things worth it

hot weather makes absolutely everyone around me cranky.

two days before i find out whether or not what i've worked for this summer goes to tuition or my macbook.

aside from that, i have to keep a journal for english class, but its hand written but i wish we could submit it digitally becuase it would force me to keep this blog up with things to say more than once a month.